Friday, December 19, 2014

31 People Killed From Al Qaeda's Bombs

A soldier guarding a building on alert after incident.
Reportedly, two car bombs were sent from the al Qaeda Islam extremists killed 31 people, 20 of which were children. The attack occurred this Tuesday, in the town of Rada. Militants from the group were targeting the Shia militia, also known as Houthis, by exploding their gathering points. One of the bombs had made it to the destination it was intended for, while the other one exploded near a school bus full of students on their way home from school. All of the students killed, according to an activist that resides in the town, were under the age of 12. 
The town Rada, since October, has been experiencing a mini war between the Houthis and al Qaeda fighters. Since then, the amounts of deaths recorded are in the hundreds. Al Qaeda has intensified Houthis leaders as their primary targets lately, and on a daily basis conduct missions to destroy their military bases.

Many innocent lives were lost due to the "unacceptable" failure the al Qaeda made. The Yemen government is referring to the suicide mission as an act of "cowardice," while also doing organizing military offenses to prevent attacks and further conflict from occurring.
One of the bombs that went of in the town of Rada.

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